Quantus Design, LLC
The portfolio embodies the community spirit and support of the majority of businesses in Philipsburg, Montana. Our business owners work tirelessly to make our small town the best it can be. We are humbled and thankful they rely on Quantus to meet their needs. Serving the community motivated this graphic designer to create an entity to provide quality services to our local businesses at reasonable prices with quick turnaround times and the convenience of local service. This portfolio represents that work. We hope you browse and enjoy all Philipsburg, Montana has to offer. Better yet...come visit!
The links below connect to Quantus’s published work. Need to know what, when, or where your Quantus designed advertisement was published? Just check the Quantus postings and you will find your answer. Please return often to check for new additions. We ask that you respect the copyright of . Viewers may click on current year Business Advertisement designs or advertisements in Specialty Publications to visit the client's web site (if available) without leaving the Quantus Design, LLC site. Some of the Specialty Publication pages take a bit more time to load due to file size. They are worth the wait. Thanks.
We are building as quickly as possible. Please check back for daily additions. Portfolio design categories being built include Graphic Art, Business Advertisements, Specialty Publications (Some are already built!), Marketing Tools, Billboards & Signs, Web Development, Photography, & Forms & Stationery. We will add links as each become available for viewing.